Monger Mondays


As a small independent cheese shop, we are always interested in finding educational resources for our BCS team. In the spirit of supporting all cheese professionals, we have created this hub to share opportunities we find compelling.  Please note, we are not an educational institution; our intention is simply to be a helpful resource for those individuals looking to learn, expand their skill set, and further themselves in this exciting chosen cheese career!   

Image separator black line with a black silhouette of a sheep in the middle.

BCS Monger Events | Coming Up

 BCS Monger Monday credo "Community is a core Bedford Cheese Shop value.  “Monger Mondays” are monthly events intended to create and strengthen the connection among peers, makers, farmers, and others in the cheese community through conversation, instruction and simply sharing space." with shop illustration.

Line separator with a sheep in the center.

Digital Resources

Cheeseletes | Back in The Vat Grant
Jasper Hill | Cheese Camp
Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund
Essex St. Cheese
American Cheese Society

Bra Cheese Festival

Salon du Fromage

CCP: ACS Certified Cheese Professional Exam
CMI: Cheese Monger Invitational
Cheese State University
Cornell University: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
The Cheeseletes | Back in the Vat | Internships
The Daphne Zepos Research & Teaching Awards
Academy of Cheese
Dairy Connection Inc.
Continued Reading & Videos

PDF of Digital Resources: LINK HERE

Historical Monger Monday Events: LINK HERE